Questions about abortion?

We get it. We can help.

Questions about Abortion?

Pre-Abortion Considerations

abortion considerations

​Facing an unexpected pregnancy and unsure about your choices? If you are considering an abortion, please know that the dedicated team at the Community Women’s Centers is here to empower and help you understand as many of the facts as possible before deciding on a plan.

Abortion Information

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Are there different ways to end a pregnancy? If you are pregnant and did not plan it, it is important to educate yourself on the different methods to terminate a pregnancy. Termination of a pregnancy, also known as an abortion, is based on how many weeks you are into the pregnancy. 

Pre-Abortion Ultrasound

pre abortion ultrasound optimized 1

What is a limited obstetrical ultrasound and why do I need one? Obstetrical refers to the pregnancy. 

The abortion laws in Pennsylvania allow me to have an abortion significantly into the pregnancy (up until 24 weeks). If I am having an abortion, do I still need to do this? 

Abortion Pill Information

Girl holding a pill and glass of water

What is a medical abortion? Medical abortion, also known as a chemical abortion, is a 2–step procedure. This is used to end a pregnancy. It is usually performed during the first trimester of pregnancy. The medication is only approved for use up until 70 days after the last menstrual period.  

Having a medical abortion is an essential decision with emotional and psychological consequences. If you’re considering this procedure, understand it and what it entails. There are side effects, possible risks, complications, and alternatives. 

At Home Abortion

at home abortion

What does an at home abortion mean? Be informed. Know the facts. The dedicated team at the Community Women’s Centers offers the vital information that you need to make informed and empowered choices.

An at-home abortion (home abortion) is also known as a medical abortion, self-managed abortion, taking the abortion pill, and sometimes called online abortion.

An at home abortion is different than a surgical abortion. Both types are intended to terminate a pregnancy and they can come with health risks and significant side effects.

Pregnancy Testing Options

Pregnancy Test

Think you may be pregnant? Do any of these sound familiar? 

  • Fatigue 
  • Missed Period or extremely light period 
  • Strange food cravings 
  • Out of the normal mood swings 
  • Nausea/Vomiting 

If you have had either protected or unprotected sex, and these symptoms sound familiar, you might be pregnant. The best way to know is to take a pregnancy test. 

What do I need to know?

Do any of these sound familiar? 

  • Fatigue 
  • Missed Period or extremely light period 
  • Strange food cravings 
  • Out of the normal mood swings 
  • Nausea/Vomiting 
mobile schedule

If you have had either protected or unprotected sex, and these symptoms sound familiar, you might be pregnant. The best way to know is to take a pregnancy test. At home tests are pretty accurate. However, the most accurate test is taken with a medical professional and final confirmation provided with an ultrasound for gestational weeks and viability.  

Can my home pregnancy test be wrong? 

False positives and false negatives can happen for a variety of reasons.   

  • Taken too early and not enough of the hCG hormone present 
  • Not long enough passed your missed period 
  • Wrong time of day 

When taken properly, at home pregnancy tests are 99% accurate. However the best way to know for sure is to take it in the presence of a medical professional.